Dental Tips for the Holidays

Mom and child smiling in front of Christmas tree Why wait until next year to make your dental health a priority? It is easy to enjoy the winter holidays while protecting your smile. Here are some tips from our dentist Dr. Michael Adler.

Play Festive Songs While You Brush Your Teeth

We all know that we need to brush our teeth for two full minutes to achieve a thorough clean. But it can sometimes be quite difficult to reach that mark. Fortunately, there is a festive solution.

Create a playlist full of your favorite carols and tunes that are at least two minutes long. When it is time to brush your teeth, simply select a song and use it to time your oral hygiene routine. 

This will ensure that you are getting rid of plaque and bacteria. It can also boost your mood!

Be Mindful About What You Eat and Drink

There is little chance of you ruining your teeth by indulging in some holiday treats. However, it is still important to make smart choices that will support your oral health throughout the season.

Candy canes, caramel, and sweet baked goods are bad for your smile. Instead, reach for alternatives such as cheese, vegetables, lean meats, and finish with sugar-free gum.

Also, try to limit your intake of alcohol or have it with water. Alcohol can easily dry out your mouth. It increases your risk of developing cavities and contributes to issues like gum disease.

Never Use Your Mouth to Open Presents 

It might be convenient to tear into a package or break off a tag with your teeth. However, it is simply not worth the risk. 

This behavior can crack or chip your teeth. It can also contribute to tooth wear, jaw pain, and other issues. Instead, keep scissors on hand when opening presents.

Book Your Next Dental Checkup in Boulder

Adler Advanced Dentistry is proud to be your home for general, cosmetic, and reconstructive dental work in Boulder. Call 303-449-1119 today to book your next appointment. We serve patients from Boulder, Denver, Fort Collins, and other Colorado areas.


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