Gum Recontouring in Boulder, CO

When you smile, you may show more of your gum above your upper teeth than other people. This smile characteristic is often referred to as a "gummy smile." A gummy smile can make you feel less confident. If that's the case, laser gum recontouring at our Boulder cosmetic dentistry practice can create the aesthetically pleasing smile shape you want. Please call Adler Advanced Dentistry to arrange your free consultation with Dr. Michael Adler at 303-449-1119.

Gum Recontouring Boulder, CO

Gum Recontouring for Gummy Smiles

The appearance of a gummy smile is usually caused by genetically inherited traits, such as small teeth, extra gum tissue or a shorter lip. Even if you have been living with this smile trait for years, it may be making you feel less happy with your smile. Dr. Adler uses advanced laser dentistry to perform gum recontouring that is dramatically less invasive than scalpel methods of the past. Some of the advantages of this procedure are:

  • No incisions, no sutures
  • Laser cauterizes as it cuts, which minimizes bleeding
  • Enhanced precision
  • Symmetrical results
  • Has a gum-lifting effect

The only way to know if the procedure is a good fit for your goals is to visit Dr. Adler. He'll make sure you know all of your options moving forward and what to expect from each.

Gum Recontouring After Invisalign® or Orthodontic Treatment

After orthodontic treatment with braces or Invisalign®, although you may be really happy with your straight teeth, you may also come to the realization that there's still something left to be desired. Our dentist may use gum recontouring after orthodontic treatment to achieve the best possible smile results. Evening the gum line creates the symmetrical, pleasing smile you were aiming for with orthodontic treatment. Dr. Adler can also perform reshaping of the edge of your teeth to address tooth wear that detracts from your Invisalign® results.

A Minimally Invasive Way to Reshape Your Gums

Dr. Adler will remove and reshape targeted areas of gum tissue using the soft-tissue diode laser. The energy from the laser vaporizes tissue, so it's completely painless. Laser energy also reduces bleeding because it seals off blood vessels as it removes the tissue.

Reshape Your Gums Boulder, CO

For about a week after the treatment, you may have some gum sensitivity and swelling. An over-the-counter pain reliever typically is strong enough to alleviate any discomfort. You may want to eat soft foods while your gums heal. Dr. Adler and our team will provide you with complete aftercare instructions so you can heal successfully.

Is There Anything I Need To Do To Prepare For Gum Contouring?

There isn’t any preparation necessary.

How Long Does A Gum Recontouring Treatment Take?

These can be quite quick if Dr. Adler is just addressing a couple teeth, or they can take longer for a full smile. Generally, gum recontouring takes anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour.

Is Gum Recontouring Painful?

Technology has really improved these treatments. Prior to the advent of dental lasers, gum contouring was done with a scalpel, and sutures were needed to close the incisions where the gums were trimmed. As you would assume, this created a painful, lengthy recovery.

Now, thanks to our diode laser technology, at Adler Aesthetic Dentistry our gum recontouring procedures are fast, simple, and virtually painless. We administer a local anesthetic prior to the treatment so you don’t feel anything. Thanks to the laser, your recovery is not overly painful. Most patients only use over-the-counter pain medication for a day or two.

Can The Laser Energy Damage My Teeth?

The FDA first approved diode lasers for dental use over 25 years ago. They were studied extensively prior to that approval. The key is the difference in density between the gum tissue and the tooth. The laser wavelength is set to vaporize the gum tissue while leaving the tooth behind it unaffected.

What Is Recovery From Gum Contouring Like?

Following your gum recontouring with Dr. Adler, your gums may be sore and slightly swollen for a few days. The discomfort is minimal, however, and won’t preclude you from eating or drinking normally. You’ll need to avoid overly spicy foods and foods with seeds for a few days, but that’s about it. Ibuprofen will handle any discomfort. The difference between our use of lasers for these treatments compared to the old methods of scalpels and sutures is nothing short of amazing.

How Should I Care For My Gums After Recontouring?

The first couple of days after your treatment with Dr. Adler you’ll want to avoid brushing the gum line. You won’t open up the closed incisions, but they will be sensitive. But after they calm down, you can care for your gums as you normally would.

What does that involve? Twice-daily brushing with a soft bristle toothbrush and ADA-approved fluoride toothpaste and flossing once a day are all you’ll need to do. Electric toothbrushes have been approved by the ADA, and they now offer a great option for keeping your teeth and gums in top shape. You’ll want to brush along your gum line at a 45-degree angle upward on the upper teeth and downward on the lower teeth. This angle helps to remove any food debris while at the same time lightly scrubbing the gums and teeth. It’s important to lightly brush your gums every time you brush your teeth, as this helps keep plaque off of them and it stimulates the gum tissue. Flossing is also important to clean just under the gum line between the teeth and to also stimulate this gum tissue.

Can My Gums Grow Back After Recontouring?

Our gum recontouring patients at Adler wonder if they’ll have to have this procedure performed again at a future date, but that’s not a concern. Your new higher, scalloped gum line created by Dr. Adler is permanent. The excess gum tissue he has removed will not regenerate, so you’ll enjoy your new smile for the rest of your life.

What Are The Risks Involved With Gum Recontouring?

Compared to the excessive bleeding and risk of infection that accompanied gum recontouring done with a scalpel, there is very little risk with laser gum contouring. The laser energy provides a precise cut, cauterizes the tissue instantly to minimize bleeding, and makes the procedure relatively simple.

Schedule a Consultation Today

To find out if gum recontouring with soft-tissue laser technology is capable of producing the smile you want and that will allow you to be the most confident, please call Adler Advanced Dentistry at 303-449-1119 or contact us online today. Experienced cosmetic dentist Dr. Michael Adler serves all of Boulder and the nearby areas, and your initial consultation is complimentary.


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