If you’re wondering if you’re experiencing TMJ headaches, there are some indicators that you can look for at home. Pay attention to the following signs that you should visit our dentist for a diagnostic exam:
- You get headaches when you chew: Activities that require you to use your jaw can flare up your TMJ pain and head pain. Consider the timing of your tension or migraine headaches. Do they happen after you eat something tough, chew gum, or bite your fingernails?
- Your teeth look worn down: There is a known relationship between bruxism and TMJ. Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, can happen while you are awake or asleep. Look for signs of wear that may signal this condition.
- You clench your jaw when you’re stressed: Many people engage in this subconscious habit. It’s another symptom of bruxism that can contribute to TMJ and TMJ-related headaches.
- You can’t find relief with conventional treatments: People who have TMJ headaches often suffer for months or years because their symptoms get misdiagnosed. If you feel like you’ve exhausted conventional headache treatments without success, it might be time to look to our dentist for answers.
- You have other unexplained symptoms: Headaches are a common symptom of TMJ, but they aren’t the only one. TMJ can also cause clicking in your jaw, ringing in your ears, and upper body pain. It can even make it difficult to open and close your mouth.
“I was a bit skeptical about the neuromuscular dentistry treatment for my TMJ, but it does work.” – Patient Review.
Schedule a TMJ Evaluation in Boulder
Are you ready to get to the bottom of your chronic tension headaches or migraines? Dr. Michael Adler can determine if your pain is related to problems with your jaw. He completed continuing training and education in neuromuscular dentistry at the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies.
Schedule an evaluation today at 303-449-1119. Adler Advanced Dentistry serves Boulder, Denver, Fort Collins, and nearby Colorado communities.