Infographic: Sleep Apnea

Boulder Dentist Serving Denver, Ft. Collins & Nearby Areas in Colorado

There are many sleep disorders but one of the most dangerous, and one that is often undiagnosed, is sleep apnea. This condition causes your airways to close or tighten as you sleep, obstructing airflow which causes your body to struggle to breathe while you sleep. Many people associate sleep apnea with loud, chronic snoring but there are many other symptoms that result from this condition as well.

At Adler Advanced Dentistry, we value your health and sleep and hope to educate those who may have the condition so that they can get the help they need as sleep apnea can cause serious, life-threatening health issues if left untreated. Please view our infographic below to learn a little about sleep apnea.

If you believe that you or a loved one may be suffering from sleep apnea, call us today at to schedule a free consultation. We proudly serve the areas of Boulder, Denver, and Fort Collins, Colorado.

sleep apnea infographic boulder denver colorado dentist


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