Denver Boulder Colorado Custom Hockey Mouthguards

As hockey parents, we’ve seen plenty of boil-and-bite mouthguards dangling from chin straps and being chewed on half outside the mouth while on the ice.

Players are non-compliant at times simply because they don’t like to wear them. They’re uncomfortable, then don’t stay in, and it’s difficult to breathe and/or communicate with teammates.

Custom mouthguardsmade in dental offices or offered as online kits often cost $150 or more (our price is about one third of this). We are working as a family outside office hours to be able to provide an affordable way for local youth athletes to experience the benefits of custom-fit mouthguards.

Our custom-fit mouthguardsare made with Pro-form tri-color laminates, which allows us to make mouthguardswith two team colors with a white stripe down the middle.


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