Adler Advanced Dentistry in Boulder Colorado is proud to announce a new way to relax during your next dental visit. We are now offering NuCalm, a revolutionary relaxation technology specifically designed for the dental office. Unlike traditional “sedation dentistry”, NuCalm does not use narcotics or controlled substances to achieve a relaxed state. NuCalm is an all-natural treatment to relax and rejuvenate you during your visit with us. The best part is that you leave feeling even more refreshed than when you came in!
Dr. Adler and the whole team got to experience NuCalm last week during the annual IAPA (International Association of Physiologic Aesthetics) /LVI (Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dentistry) Gala event. We all spent an hour on the first day relaxing on the NuCalm bus outside the institute. We loved it so much that we all “NuCalmed” again every day for the next 2 days! Dr. Adler said, “I started tearing up during my first session from the tremendous amount of stress that felt like it was leaving my body” the second day I woke up an hour and a half later and I thought 10 minutes had passed”. Needless to say, we all really enjoyed our time on the NuCalm bus. Tony Robbins is also a fan of the NuCalm system
So how does NuCalm work? NuCalm induces a type of meditative state within minutes that can take meditation practitioners years to achieve. NuCalm uses four components that work together to bring the body to a deep state of calm. It will suspend your mind and body in a parasympathetic nervous system dominance- the only state that allows your body to heal, and rebuild. You can achieve this state of relaxation in just four simple steps:
- First you apply the all-natural NuCalm topical cream supplement that is designed to relax you by counteracting adrenaline.
- Microcurrent stimulation patches are then applied behind the ear. Research shows this helps facilitate the relaxation response.
- Noise dampening headphones are used with bio neural beats to block sounds and bring your brain into pre-sleep stages.
- A light blocking eye mask is used to negate visual stimuli and help maintain the relaxed state.
After using NuCalm, our team will remove the patches and eye mask, and you will be awake and fully cognizant. You may even notice this effect for the rest of the day as well as more restful sleep that night. Let us know if you would like to try it at your next visit, and experience the most relaxing and refreshing dental visit of your life!
Heather Carpenter