New Porcelain Bridges Gives Patients Smile Back

Sandra was not satisfied with how her smile looked. She was very self conscious about it and tried to avoid smiling which did not go along with her sweet and cheerful personality. Sandra had two old porcelain fused to metal bridges on her front teeth and they made her teeth look dark and small. She could also see the metal in the bridge making a dark line across her gum line. Sandra came to Dr. Adler of Adler Cosmetic & Family Dentistry because she wanted a smile that she could be proud of.

After a complete evaluation, Dr. Adler recommended that both bridges on her upper front teeth be removed and replaced with all porcelain bridges. The all porcelain bridges would give the teeth a more nature look and the color would be more translucent and not flat. This would also eliminate the unattractive dark line near the gum line. When Sandra smiles you can see her teeth all the way to her bicuspids, so Dr. Adler recommended replacing the two bridges but also placing crowns on her first bicuspids so they would match the shape and color of the bridges giving a better over aesthetic look to her smile instead of making her smile look like it stops short or making the difference in color from her natural teeth look too drastic. Sandra wanted a brighter smile so Dr. Adler also recommended Sandra do Zoom whitening to help all the rest of her teeth to match the new crowns and bridges so she could have brighter smile instead of matching the bridges to her current color that was darker then she wanted.

Sandra started with the Zoom whitening after having a thorough cleaning to insure healthy gums and a good result. It is important to have a cleaning within 6 months prior to whitening to insure the best results. Whitening dirty teeth is about as effective as painting a dirty car. During the Zoom whitening, Sandra’s gums and soft tissue are protected by a liquid dam. The whitening solution was then applied to the teeth and the activating light was used. The process was repeated in four consecutive sessions. The whole process took approximately two hours. Customized whitening trays were made during the appointment to allow for any needed touch ups at home. Sandra was at least two shades lighter by the end of the appointment.

Sandra was very excited to have the old ugly bridges removed. The teeth were then prepped for the new porcelain bridges and crowns. Impressions were taken of the prepped teeth and sent to Aurum Ceramic Dental Lab in Las Vegas so the crowns and bridges could be custom fabricated and have a custom shade match done. Temporary crowns and bridges were then placed that looked almost as good as the final crowns would and better then the old ones. Dr. Adler and the lab insured that the restorations were the best shape, length, and size to give her the best looking and most functional smile. Once the restorations were complete, then the temporary crowns and bridges were removed and the final restorations were chemically bonded to the teeth using the highest quality products to insure the strongest bond possible. When everything was done, Sandra had a smile that she could be proud of and she is happy to show off her teeth now.


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