LVI Dentist Boulder Colorado | Dr. Michael Adler Brings Top LVI Fellowship Credentials to Area

The Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dental Studies (LVI) Fellowship recently awarded to Boulder Colorado dentist Dr. Michael Adler ensures the availability of the most advanced dental treatments for area residents.

Boulder, Colorado, September 27, 2009 – Boulder, Colorado-based dentist Dr. Michael Adler today released additional information concerning his recent designation as a Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies (LVI) Fellowship recipient. The LVI Fellowship distinction is significant for area residents and dental patients of Adler Cosmetic and Family Dentistry as it ensures the availability of the most advanced dental care and treatment. Current and prospective patients are invited to contact Dr. Adler’s office for additional information concerning available services or to schedule an appointment or consultation.

The requirements for receiving the LVI Fellowship are extensive and confirm Dr. Adler’s completion of a series of studies on the clinical skills and knowledge necessary to provide comprehensive aesthetic treatment for dental patients. The Fellowship distinction is awarded only to select doctors who successfully complete studies and a comprehensive exam covering the skills and techniques taught at LVI.

In attaining this level of distinction Dr. Adler has made a commitment to offering a high level of Aesthetic Neuromuscular Dentistry. Neuromuscular dentistry is evaluation/diagnosis, and healing of the relationship between teeth, jaw joints, jaw posture, head muscles, neck muscles, back muscles, head posture, and body posture. These factors combine to impact a person’s bite and can cause a variety of symptoms affecting long term health and well being.

Adler Cosmetic and Family Dentistry is open weekdays by appointment. Additional information about the practice and services offered is available at

About Adler Cosmetic and Family Dentistry
The cosmetic and family dental practice of Dr. Michael Adler is based in the Colorado community of Boulder, a convenient and scenic drive from most locations in the Denver and Front Range areas. Boulder, Colorado is also an inviting destination location for visiting out-of-state patients seeking Dr. Adler’s specialized attention. Dr. Adler is nationally recognized for his work and is committed to providing his patients with the highest level of care in both cosmetic and family dentistry. The practice maintains a website at and regularly publishes information on its blog at  

Name:  Heather Ramsey
Email:  [email protected]
Phone:  (303) 449-1119

Adler Cosmetic and Family Dentistry
1810 30th Street
Boulder, CO 80301


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