Denver Boulder Colorado Sedation Dentistry | NuCalm

If you feel anxious about going to the dentist you’re not alone. Consider the following statistics:

  • Over 60 million people in the U.S. avoid dental care due to fear and anxiety
  • 82% of adults report some level of dental anxiety
  • 55.5% of Americans are fearful of dentistry

Despite their anxiety, the following perceptions also exist among the public:

  • 92% of Americans state that an attractive smile is an important social asset
  • 52% of Americans are not satisfied with their smile

NuCalm – An All-Natural Relaxation Solution For Dental Patients
























NuCalm is a patented clinically proven, neuroscience technology designed to quickly guide you to a deeply relaxed state where your body can heal and recover. The immediate health benefits of NuCalm include:

  • Stress reduction
  • Alleviates anxiety
  • Decreases pain sensitivity

Additionally NuCalm benefits include: 1) sleep quality improvement, 2) immune system and heart health improvement, 3) better attention and memory, and 4) creativity enhancement.


NuCalm Improves Your Dental Experience

NuCalm take you from a nervous state and guides you to a deeply relaxed state in just a few minutes. Doing NuCalm in the dental chair allows your body to experience a concentrated, refreshing reboot at the cellular level. While your body idles in your optimal healing state, your dental team gets the benefit of working on a relaxed patient and can do their very best dentistry. After your appointment you will feel relaxed, refreshed, and ready for the rest of your day.


NuCalm’s 4 Simple Steps to Relaxation

1) All natural amino acids

Proprietary blend of amino acids identical to the nutrients you derive from food sources your body uses to relax.

2) Microcurrent to facilitate relaxation

Helps reduce the stress response and facilitate relaxation.

3) Neuroacoustic software

Proprietary frequency-following response software inside soothing music to pace your brain to a deeply relaxed state just like using a mantra during meditation.

4) Eye mask or dark glasses

Blocks out visual stimulation and helps you maintain deep relaxation.


To learn more about NuCalm and this all-natural way to relax during your dental visits please contact our office at (303) 449-1119.




Tuesday: 8 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM – 5 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM – 1 PM and 2 PM – 6 PM
Thursday & Friday: 8 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM – 5 PM

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