Boulder Dentist | Neuromuscular Dentistry Case Study (part 4)

Correcting a Pathologic Joint Position using Mandibular Torque and a Fixed Orthosis (part 4)

My father returned to NY. I called him regularly for a week and asked how he was doing. My father could not tell me if he was improving. So I stopped calling. Two weeks later my father phoned… he realized he was completely out of pain. He has been out of pain ever since.

Three months later he flew out and we started with new I-CAT scans. The results were amazing. (Slide 1, 2, 3, 4) His left condyle had moved dramatically, the joint mice were gone. (Slide 5, 6, 7, 8) The K-7 scans showed great improvement in function. He was now able to open wide enough to restore him. He was on Myotrajectory. My father has had no recurrence of pain since adjusting his orthotic by correcting the torque. (Slide9) We then restored to the new position using the LVI protocol for full mouth reconstruction. (Slide 10) My father remains pain free. What a difference one millimeter can make.


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